Gone in 60 Seconds

Posted: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

I loved that movie. Back before we had cable up here, “Gone in 60 Seconds” was a regular in our meager DVD collection. Some thing about fast cars get to me.

That, of course was PreKids. I haven’t watched that movie in ages.

Now, “gone in 60 seconds” has taken on a whole new meaning. Now it means that while I am doing this-

They are doing this-

Freshly cleaned floor, gone in 60 seconds.

And while I was cleaning up their art, I turned to see the now unlocked hall closet spilling out and running down the hall. And giggling.

Organization, gone in 60 seconds.

Oddly, my sanity is still in tact. So rather than screaming and yelling, I just move the gate further down the hall.

Team Kids -2   Mom-1 Woohoo!

While I handle my business, I realize that not only is the kids room hot, it has actually become a heat source. Basically, it was making the 2 window units in my kitchen/dining/living/flipanut room absolutely pointless.

And I WILL  not have that.

With super mom skill I shove all three yahoos in the toy room with minimal whining and moved the 12,000 pound air conditioner halfway across the house. I also left a trail of water marking my path.

Clean towels, gone in 60 seconds.

And all was quite(ish). And I should have been concerned. And I wasn’t. I went right on taking care of business. And I’m not ashamed to admit that I enjoyed every second of the peaceful sounds of the kids quietly playing. In another room. Behind a closed door.

In hindsight, I think my sanity took the day off. I mean, come on, I was CLEANING! Red flag anyone?

I enjoyed it so much I actually got shit done for a change. And while I was doing this-

And this-

And more laundry. My little Angels were doing this-

That's as far as it would open.

They emptied half a (once locked) closet. With barely a sound.

Any other plans I had for the day, gone in 60 seconds. It took me that long just to open the door.

 Clearly, they are Ninjas.

  1. I’ve met your kidlings. Are you sure you get a whole 60 seconds?

  2. Meredith says:

    HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! This is my house! I can totally relate to gone in 60 seconds. Great post! Love the photos!

  3. Kimberly says:

    Damn kids.

    When they leave, sometimes I clean my house just so I can enjoy it for, well, more than 60 seconds.

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